Sora Blu was born in 1990 in rural Oregon and began her artistic practices in 2008. Sora has made it her mission to evoke tender emotions through the brewing of strong video, audio, photo, and written craft. In 2013 Sora was diagnosed with severe Crohn’s disease and life as she knew it life was completely uprooted. In wake of her diagnosis, she founded an apothecary where she began creating small-batch botanical remedies and has since surpassed 5,000 sales. Sora was nominated for Vine Artist of the year in 2016 and has amassed a following of over 500k followers on Tiktok. Sora’s content has garnered a community of the witchy, chronically ill, and slow-living curious. She has used her platforms to share her own struggles with auto-immune disease, and her adventures in homesteading and tiny-living. She aims to inspire liberation through nature therapy, self-inquiry, and questioning our domestication. She has worked with companies such as Microsoft, Vine, Stout Tent, & Sou’wester Arts and her story and lifestyle have been featured in NY Times, Buzzfeed, INSIDER, & South China Morning Post. Sora is currently based in the PNW - Read about my Art Style

Alternative living adventures